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Americo Mazzoli
CCD Canada

Raffaele Ciotti
Comitato Nazionale
Ignazio Gatto
Presidente Comitato Nazionale

 Il Circolo di Edmonton

Edmonton Alberta

Alberta's Capital
Located in Central Alberta, Edmonton hosts a variety of attractions for visitors and residents. Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. The beautiful river valley "band of green" parklands, which follows the North Saskatchewan River through the city, gives Edmonton many miles of hiking and biking trails which double as cross country ski trails in the winter. Edmonton has more parkland per capita then any other Canadian city!
Edmonton is known as Canada's Festival City, with a multi-cultural heritage, events each summer include 9 festivals, a Visual Arts Celebration, the International Jazz Festival, the Fringe Theatre Event, and Heritage Days Festival.
Visitors will enjoy visiting Edmonton’s ‘claim to fame’, the West Edmonton Mall! This mall is the largest in the world with over 800 stores and services and five world-class attractions; Galaxy, World Water Park, Deep Sea Adventure, Europa Golf and the Ice Palace. Shopping has never been more convenient, or fun! While at the mall, stay in one of the many theme rooms offered by The Fantasyland Hotel located right in the mall!
In 1795, Edmonton House was established as a Hudson Bay Trading Post. This created the foundation of which the city of Edmonton was built around.
With the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897, the population grew as thousands came to seek their fortunes as they continued their final leg of their journey to the Yukon. Many of those who were seeking gold settled in Edmonton and by 1904, Edmonton was incorporated into a city.
In 1947 with the major oil discovery in Leduc Alberta, just southwest of Edmonton, they were branded ‘The oil capital of Alberta’. Edmonton established the area as a hub for the petrochemical industry. They were also the ‘Gateway to the North’, shipping much needed medical supplies, food, and other necessities to remote northern communities.
Industries continue to boom, and Edmonton remains a very popular spot for visitors and tourists from all over the world.
Today, Edmonton has grown to a population of over 650,000 people (as of 1998); the area covered is over 270 square miles!

Vittorio Coco
Commisario e
segretario politico

Cav. Angelo Balsamo
Presidente del Consiglio di amministrazione

Vinicio Coco
Presidente Comitato Alberta
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