I    ccd.it

Americo Mazzoli
CCD Canada

Raffaele Ciotti
Comitato Nazionale
Ignazio Gatto
President Comitato Nazionale

UDC Canada, is a  non profit organization whose commitee is formed by a majority of  Italo-Canadians who are working to provide service to the thausand and thausand of Italian residing abroad who still have an Italian citizenship and may vote in the next italian election.
We are proud to represent the Centre Democratic Christian Party of Italy, a modern Christian party with values, whose leader Hon. Marco Follini is a young politician with years of experience and a liberal democrat.  You may reach us trought email or you can write us  at Comitato  Nazionale Biancofiore Canada 131 Hanlan Road, Woodbridge, Ontario, M2R 3W1, Canada. Tel.: (905) 856-4474-extn.245 or fax us at (905) 851-8040
Cav. Angelo Balsamo
Ignazio Gatto
Vittorio Coco
Political secretary:
Paola Generoso
Excutive Secretary

Vittorio Coco
Commisario &
Poltical Secretary

Cav. Angelo Balsamo
Chairman of The Board
Vinicio Coco
President Comitato Alberta

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