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Circolo di Ottawa
Message from Mayor ( Sindaco) Bob Chiarelli
The City of Ottawa is now eight months old and since January has seen its share of action. With each passing week, City Council is making decisions and creating opportunities that enforce its belief that Ottawa is one of the best cities in the world in which to live. The City has recently launched some new and exciting programs and initiatives that will reinforce the high quality of life enjoyed by the residents of our community. Most notably, the City's Corporate Services Committee voted to cut the property tax rate by 10% to help mitigate the effects of large increases in property tax assessments across the city and to ensure that residents receive the expected savings from amalgamation as soon as possible. I've said from Day One that a one-tier municipal government would yield savings and this decision is a giant step in the right direction. Ottawa is a growing metropolis, on the verge of reaching new heights and accomplishments. However, progress should not come at the expense of preservation. Growth management will be key in this City's ability to maintain a healthy quality of life for its residents, the most important players in our development. Back in June, the City hosted Ottawa 20/20, the Smart Growth Summit where citizens shared their ideas on issues ranging from transportation and economic growth to affordable housing, arts and culture, and the social needs of our community. Many thought-provoking ideas were born from the Summit, but this was just the beginning of the dialogue with residents about the shape of our community as it continues to grow and expand throughout the years ahead. Keep watching this site for upcoming initiatives, and take the time to visit www.ottawa.com and share your ideas.
While we work to define our direction for the future, the City of Ottawa is certainly not standing idle. Over the last six months, City staff have brought many innovative programs to the residents of this community. Campaigns like Fruit and Vegetable Awareness, Road Safety and Unnecessary Use of Antibiotics, and initiatives like Spring Cleaning in the Capital, defibrillators in police cars and the new women's health booklet are giving residents a chance to live a healthy life in a healthy community.
As always at this time of year, festival season is in full swing in the Capital. The Jazz Festival, the Chamber Music Festival, and Bluesfest have brought some melody to the community in the last few weeks, gracing us with some wonderful talent from home and abroad. From July 14 to 24, Ottawa hosted the Games of La Francophonie, a world-class sporting and cultural event that brought to our city athletes and artists from over 50 countries that have in common the use of French.
This is a great summer to be in Ottawa, as a resident or as a visitor. Take a few moments to be a tourist in our community and see for yourself what we have to offer. Great restaurants, great attractions but most importantly, great people!
Have a wonderful time in the Nation's Capital!

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